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Competition Results


July 2024

3/7/24 Mid Week Medal Stableford

6/7/24 Saturday Monthly Medal

7/7/24 Sunday Stableford

10/7/24 Wednesday Stableford

June 2024

1/6/24 Saturday Monthly Medal
5/6/24 Mid Week Medal Stroke

8/6/24 Saturday Stableford

12/6/24 Wednesday Stableford

15/6/24 Winter Cup Round 1

19/6/24 Wednesday Stableford

22/6/24 Winter Cup Round 2

23/6/24 Sunday Stableford

26/6/24 Wednesday Stableford

29/6/24 Saturday Stableford

May 2024

1/5/24 Mid Week Medal Stroke

4/5/24 Saturday Monthly Medal

5/5/24 Sunday Stableford

8/5/24 Wednesday Stableford

11/5/24 Saturday Stableford

12/5/24 Sunday Stableford

15/5/24 Wednesday Stableford

18/5/24 Saturday Stableford

19/5/24 Sunday Stableford

22/5/24 Wednesday Stableford

25/5/24 Saturday Stableford

29/5/24 Wednesday Stableford

APRIL 2024

3/4/24 Mid Week Medal Stroke

6/4/24 Monthly Medal Stroke

7/4/24 Sunday Stableford

10/4/24 Wednesday Stableford

13/4/24 Saturday Bonus Par

14/4/24 Sunday Stableford

17/4/24 Wednesday Stableford

20/4/24 Saturday Gentsomes Members Day

21/4/24 Sunday Stableford

24/4/24 Wednesday Stableford

25/4/24 Anzac Day Stableford

27/4/24 Saturday Stableford

28/4/24 Sunday Stableford


MARCH 2024

2/3/24 Saturday Par

3/3/24 Monthly Medal Sunday

6/3/24 Mid Week Medal

9/3/24 Saturday Stableford

10/3/24 Sunday Stableford

11/3/24 Stableford Labour Day

13/3/24 Wednesday 2B Multi Stableford

16/3/24 Saturday Stableford

17/3/24 Sunday Stableford

20/3/24 Wednesday Stableford

23/3/24 Saturday Stableford

24/3/24 Sunday Stroke

27/3/24 Wednesday Stableford

29/3/24 Good Friday Stableford

30/3/24 Saturday Stableford

31/3/24 Sunday Stableford


3/2/24 Monthly Medal

4/2/24 Sunday PAR

7/2/24 Mid Week Medal

10/2/24 Saturday Stableford

11/2/24 Sunday Stableford

14/2/24 Wednesday Stableford

17/2/24 Saturday Stableford

18/2/24 Sunday Stableford

21/2/24 Wednesday Stableford

24/2/24 Saturday Stableford

25/2/24 Sunday Stableford

28/2/24 Wednesday Stableford


1/1/24 New Years Day Stableford

3/1/24 Wednesday PAR

6/1/24 Monthly Medal

7/1/24 Sunday Stableford

10/1/24 Mid Week Medal

13/1/24 Hank Young Summer Cup RND 1

14/1/24 Sunday Stableford

17/1/24 Wednesday Stableford

20/1/24 Hank Young Summer Cup RND 2

21/1/24 Sunday Stableford

24/1/24 Wednesday Stableford

26/1/24 Australia Day Stableford

27/1/24 Saturday Stableford


2/8/23 Wednesday Stroke Mid Week Medal
5/8/23 Saturday Stroke Monthly Medal
6/8/23 Sunday Stableford
9/8/23 Wednesday Stableford
12/8/23 Saturday Stroke
13/8/23 Sunday Stroke

Club Championships 2022


Club Records and Honour Boards


The files in the below links represent a history of the many competitions we have run over the years. Due to the fire many records are missing. Have a look at past winners of our club and previous committee members. If there are names missing please email our office and this will be passed onto the Match Committee who are pulling together the records so that new Honour Boards can be ordered.  Please attach evidence if available.  Thanks to Beatrice Castles for researching and supplying significant historical data.

Major Events & Hole in One  History

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